BAPETEN Continues to Improve the Quality of Inspectors
Kembali 14 Februari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

The 2019 Nuclear Safety Inspector Coordination Meeting was officially opened by the Head of BAPETEN, Jazi Eko Istiyanto, in Bogor, Thursday (02/14/2019) morning. The 2-day coordination meeting was attended by Deputy for Licensing and Inspection Khoirul Huda, Deputy of Nuclear Safety Assessment Yus Rusdian Akhmad, and Echelon II officials in BAPETEN.

The theme of this coordination meeting is “Quality Improvement of Inspectors Towards Effective Inspections”. According to Director for inspection of Nuclear Instalation and Materials, Amil Mardha, this theme is relevant to be appointed in this coordination meeting because it is known that there are already many surveillance objects such as nuclear installations / facilities / equipment with numbers, types, and conditions that already aging or even more than 30 years old especially for nuclear installations.


"This has become a demand and also a challenge for inspectors to improve their quality in skills and knowledge, in order to maintain and supervise supervision objects so that they continue to operate safely and safely," Amil said.


Meanwhile Jazi in his direction underlined the importance of the effectiveness and efficiency of inspection activities as one of the pillars of supervision carried out by BAPETEN. Regarding participatory inspections that BAPETEN has begun to implement, Jazi hopes to embrace all as stakeholders.


BAPETEN as a regulatory body doesa not always only give punishment, but also rewards for users who comply with the applicable rules. Awards such as the BAPETEN Safety and Security Award (BSSA) or Si INTAN or the Patient Dose Data Information System given by BAPETEN, the risk can foster a safety culture and improve Indonesia safety from potential radiation hazards.


Regarding the study carried out by BAPETEN, Jazi hopes it will make everyone understand nuclear safety. In addition, it makes nuclear safety a national superiority and national wealth.


In this agreement Khoirul did not forget to emphasize the challenges of the supervisory function, particularly in the areas of licensing and inspection, which continued to increase in accordance with technological developments. To achieve effective supervision, added Khoirul, among others, it could be through enhanced participatory inspection, standardization and certification of inspectors, as well as standardization of the supervision process.

The Coordination Meeting was attended by all BAPETEN inspectors in the field of IBN and FRZR (bhkkp/bsb/pd).




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