BAPETEN held Dissemination of Science and Technology of Nuclear Power Utilization Monitoring in Indonesia
Kembali 13 Februari 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN held Dissemination of Science and Technology of Nuclear Power Utilization Monitoring in Indonesia, Tuesday (05/02/2019) morning in Magelang, Central Java. The activity that collaborated between BAPETEN and the House of Representatives of Indonesia (DPR-RI) was opened by the Head of the Public Communication and Protocol BAPETEN, Abdul Qohhar TEP, which was attended by the Commission VII DPR-RI from PKB Fraction, Abdul Kadir Karding.

In his opening speech, Qohhar expressed his gratitude for the implementation of the DPR RI cooperation activities and the presence of Abdul Kadir Karding in this dissemination. Furthermore, Qohhar said that through this dissemination, information about the use of nuclear power can be received by the public and can be clearer. He hope that no more people think nuclear is just a bomb. BAPETEN guarantees that nuclear is used for peaceful purposes and public welfare.



On the same occasion, Abdul Kadir Karding said public has been getting information that nuclear is so dangerous, whereas nuclear accordance with its use very useful as a source of energy in everyday life both in the industrial, health, agriculture, power sector electricity and others. Even though, the use of nuclear energy needs to be supervised by the government, so that the negative impact of nuclear power doesn’t endanger the community and the environment.

In this dissemination, Qohhar also explaned about regarding the duties and functions of BAPETEN in the field of monitoring of nuclear power utilization. In addition to exposure, Qohhar also practices ways to detect the source of radioactive substances by using radiation measuring devices (AUR) in front of participants.


The event was attended by 120 participants from the religious and community leaders in Magelang and ended with a discussion and question and answer session. (bho/rus/ip)




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