Dissemination of Science and Technology Development Guidance on Nuclear Power Utilization Regulations in Balikpapan
Kembali 13 Maret 2019 | Berita BAPETEN

The nuclear utilization in Indonesia has been developed tremendously in various fields. It shows that nuclear power has provided many benefits for people's welfare. However, beside the great benefits, nuclear power also has great risks and dangers, therefore supervision and regulation are strictly carried out by state institutions called BAPETEN. In order to enlighten the public regarding nuclear technology, the benefits and risks and the variety of regulations that monitor it, BAPETEN collaborated with the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission VII to disseminate the Regulation of Science and Technology Development Guidelines for Nuclear Energy Utilization in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Sunday (03/10/2019).

Present as the organizer of this event, Director of Regulatory for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Mineral, Taruniyati Handayani or commonly called Runi. In her presentation, Runi said when the people heard about nuclear at the first time, they usually think devastating bomb, something terrible that could cause mass damage, death and so on.


"Indeed, there are a lot of people who do not know about nuclear, so they usually think about negative side. Even though there are already many nuclear utilization that are used for peaceful purposes, namely in the fields of health, research and industry. It still has to be supervised so it won’t endanger the safety of users, society and the environment, " Runi excitedly explaining.


Furthermore, Runi said that this training activity aims to give explanation to people that nuclear energy has regulations to establish safety and security as well as guarantee and protection to the community, users and the environment from the risks and dangers of radiation caused in the utilization of these nuclear technologies.


As stipulated in Law Number 10 year1997 on Nuclear Energy which is currently in the process of revision, in carrying out the supervisory duties of BAPETEN, it uses 3 main instruments, namely the issuance of regulations, license and inspections. The regulations that have been issued by BAPETEN in order to ensure the safety and security of the utilization of nuclear technology include regulations concerning the utilization of medical devices: X-rays, X-rays, CT scans, radiotherapy; License for utilization of industrial equipment: pipe welding, oil drilling; work license for radiation workers; Monitoring the health of radiation workers; Radiation equipment imports; and Management of radioactive waste.


Meanwhile, member of the House of Representatives Commission VII, Ihwan Datu Adam, in his remarks revealed that BAPETEN was a working partner of the House of Representatives Commission VII in the government, so that socialization and guidance activities involving community elements such as this were very good and useful to provide knowledge to the public. Likewise, BAPETEN can get input from the public regarding the regulations and policies they make. Furthermore Ihwan added that BAPETEN is a very important institution because of its role and duty in supervising the safety and security of nuclear utilization in Indonesia. "I hope BAPETEN will continue to be committed in terms of security and safety in monitoring the utilization of nuclear energy in Indonesia," he said.


The event which was attended by 120 participants from the community in Balikpapan, , was very dynamic and interactive, it’s been showed from the discussion and question and answer sessions from many participants. In this session Runi expecting help from the people of Balikpapan if there are institutions especially hospitals or clinics that use nuclear energy such as X-ray machines or radioaterapy, but do not have license from BAPETEN, please contact BAPETEN, and BAPETEN will follow up. "This is for the safety of the people who use the equipment, and especially the operators of these devices, because they receive the most radiation exposure every day," Runi said, ending her presentation. And the event ended with a group photo session. (bhkkp / bsb / tjs)




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