Online Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the Government Internal Control System (SPIP) in 2020
Kembali 08 Juli 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Inspectorate's unit, held an Online Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of SPIP 2020 on Wednesday (07/08) through the zoom application. The workshop was attended by representatives of each unit in BAPETEN.

The workshop began with an activity report from the Head of Inspectorate Hery Budi Santoso. In his report, he said that the workshop was held as a refreshment for the SPIP's team and in order to improve or update the risk profile and plan for control actions in BAPETEN, accordance with the latest developments and conditions, both internal and external of the BAPETEN organization. This workshop, which is routinely held by the Inspectorate's unit, attended by around 40 participants. Hery also hopes that this workshop can run interactively and produce some outputs and outcomes that are beneficial to BAPETEN.


Hendriyanto Hadi Tjahyono as the Deputy Chairman for Administration (Sestama) of BAPETEN was present to give a remarks and also opening the workshop officially. In his remarks, Sestama said that through this workshop, we could find out the controls that must be carried out and how the risks could occur in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. He also hopes that with the SPIP's team that are getting stronger, BAPETEN's control system will be better, so it can carry out its tasks and functions smoothly.


The workshop was continued with remarks by Deny Sundara as Head of Sub-Directorate of the Supervision of Higher Education, Research and Technology of Indonesia's National Government Internal Auditor (BPKP). Deny said that BPKP always tried to encourage the implementation of SPIP in all Ministries / Institutions (K/L) and Local Governments.


The presentation by BPKP was divided into 4 sessions. The first presentation by Deny Sundara was related to the explanation of SPIP elements. The second presentation by Heru Mutiyono related to risk assessment. The next presentation by Akhmad Zacky Indrawan related to the preparation of the RTP. And the last presentation by Andhika Novianto related risk management. High enthusiasm of the participants was seen from the many questions raised during the presentation.

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SPIP is a system that can control all activities of governance. With SPIP, it is expected to create a culture of supervision over activities in the K / L and the Local Government, so it can detect early on the actions that risk inhibit or frustrate the achievement of organizational goals. [BHKK / IP]






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