Verification of Radiotherapy Permits at Santo Borromeus Hospital, in Bandung and Siloam Agora Hospital, in Jakarta
Kembali 17 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

This verification aims to ensure that the addition and operation of new aircraft modalities in radiotherapy activities is declared safe for the safety of workers, patients, the community and the environment. For this reason, BAPETEN's Directorate of Licensing for Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DPFRZR) carries out Radiotherapy Facility Verification activities in Santo Borromeus Hospital, in Bandung City and Siloam Agora Hospital, in Jakarta City, in parallel, on 14-17 February 2024.

The Inspection Team led by BAPETEN's Director of DPFRZR Ishak, with members of BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Syaifulloh, Dewi Lelyana Maharani and Sulistiyoningsih carried out the verification at Santo Borromeus Hospital Bandung.

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Meanwhile, at Siloam Agora Hospital Jakarta, the inspection team was led by the Coordinator of the Health Facilities Licensing Function Group-BAPETEN Iin Indartati, with members from the BAPETEN Radiation Supervisor Made Pramayuni, Dwi Cahyadi and Naufal Alif Syarifuddin, where the two Inspection Teams carried out verification for Linac aircraft of the same type namely Linac brand Variant Type Halcyon 3.0.

The Verification Team ensures that the built design meets safety standards by calculating the design of radiation-protecting buildings and the main equipment, supporting equipment, human resources and operating procedures for these activities meet radiation safety requirements.

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The scope of the on-site inspection includes examining documents, technical suitability of the design of the built facilities and the adequacy of the thickness of the radiation barrier in the radiotherapy bunker, ensuring the performance of the main equipment and supporting equipment, carrying out measurements of radiation exposure and dosimetry testing as well as ensuring the flow of patients and the ability of personnel to operate the aircraft Linac is standard compliant.

As a result of verifying permission for radiotherapy surgery, the Hospital is committed to completing the findings submitted by the BAPETEN team within a certain time limit. The smooth running of the verification activities is supported by the Hospital who follows and welcomes the progress of the activities until the end. Any deficiencies are considered as input and technical advice towards fulfilling radiation safety in accordance with applicable regulations and standards.

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For Santo Borromeus Hospital, the issuance of the Linac Aircraft radiotherapy permit will improve services for cancer patients, in line with its vision, namely "To become a world-class, trusted and professional service hospital based on the spirit of love."

Meanwhile, for Siloam Agora Hospital, which is the 41st unit of the Siloam Group, the Linac aircraft is expected to reduce the queue of cancer patients, especially from Siloam Group Hospitals. Where this cancer service is supported by advanced and newest technology and professional medical personnel, so that Siloam Hospitals is ready to provide high quality and international standard medical services that are in line with its vision, namely "The trusted destination of choice for holistic world class healthcare, health education and research." [DPFRZR/Dwiang/BHKK/SP]

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