BAPETEN Achieved Unqualified Opinion in Four Consecutive Years
Kembali 05 Juli 2017 | Berita BAPETEN

Financial Audit Opinion is not something that is granted, yet Status of FA Opinion is solely depended on the commitment and effort of a particular institution as the administrator of state financial in realizing clean and accountable governance based on implemented regulations.

The statement above was delivered by Anggota VII BPK, Eddy Mulyadi Soepardi in the middle of LHP LKKL TA 2016 submission at AKN III, Jakarta, Tuesday (20/6/2017). The Submission of Financial Audit was attended by several ministers and head of institutions, including Chairman of BAPETEN, Jazi Eko Istiyanto, accompanied by Executive Secretary of BAPETEN, Hendriyanto Hadi Tjahyono, and Head of Internal Affairs, Amil Mardha.

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Eddy explained further, in giving the opinion regarding the level of fairness of presented information in government financial report, BPK conducted the audit based on government financial audit standard. Unorganized asset administration became a problematic issue that affected the fiscal year 2016 Opinion. Several institutions have no sufficient registration of asset. Thus, the physical condition of the asset cannot be traced.

At this occasion, Eddy also deliberated several recommendations, such as the importance of enhancing the effectivity of the role of internal supervisory apparatus in complying with the regulations in the government financial administration, and the significance of composing financial report based on government auditing standard. BAPETEN became one of the institutions that achieve unqualified Opinion (Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian) from BPK. This is the fourth time BAPETEN attain this prestigious achievement.(bho/zd/pd)




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