BAPETEN Held Equalization of Structural Officer to Functional Officer
Kembali 29 Juli 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

As an implementation of the Circular of the Minister of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) No. 384/2019 concerning Strategic and Concrete Steps for Simplification of Bureaucracy, and the Regulation of the Minister of PANRB Number 28/2019 concerning the Adjustment of Administrative Position into Functional Position, the Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto inaugurated and took the oath / promise of a Specific Functional Officer, Wednesday (29/07).

In his remarks, Jazi congratulated and encouraged the inaugurated officer who were appointed through equalization from administrative positions to specific functional officer. "A person who holds a functional officer is actually more fortunate, he/she can be promoted once every 2 years if he/she is diligent in collecting credit points," he said.


Furthermore, Jazi stressed a lot about the importance of the accuracy on supervisory agency. Therefore, accuracy must continue to be improved. "Inaccuracy and carelessness will cause a public trust reduction of BAPETEN as supervisory agency, and accuracy is part of safety culture while carelessness is not part of supervision ", he explained. To overcome this problem, Jazi said that IT is able to deal with negligence because IT can remind. This needs to be considered and can help us, so that the BPK findings will not happen again.


There are 47 inaugurated officers from units in BAPETEN and from various types of functional officer in accordance with the placement in their respective units.


In the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the inauguration was carried out with obey the health protocols such as limiting officials who can be present in the auditorium, not shaking hands when congratulating, keeping a distance, wearing a mask and using hand sanitzer when entering the auditorium. The officer that wil be inaugurate using the zoom aplication from their workspace.


Congratulations to the new functional officer, congratulations on carrying out the duties and mandate in accordance with the new position. [bhkk/bams]




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