BAPETEN’s 1st Working Meeting For Effective and Efficient Activities
Kembali 27 Februari 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

In accordance with Law No. 17 of 2003 concerning State Finance, particularly in article 3 State Finance is managed in an orderly, obedient to the laws and regulations, effective and efficient, transparent and responsible with due regard for a sense of justice and compliance. In order to collaborate the performance of BAPETEN's programs and activities in 2020, on 27 and 28 February 2020 a BAPETEN Work Meeting was held.

The program began with a report from the Head of Planning, Finance and Information Sugeng Sumbarjo. In his speech, Sugeng hoped that even though this meeting could not be "as luxurious" as before, it was hoped that the results would still be good and extraordinary.

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Sugeng said that the achieved targets from this working meeting was the availability of a reliable BAPETEN 2020-2024 strategic plan document; the availability of program plans and budget policy documents and the availability of performance determination documents and management integrity pacts.

At the end of his remarks Sugeng hoped that this working meeting could produce quality policies through presentations, discussions and of course the direction of the leaders.

The working meeting was attended by around 80 participants consisting of Esselon I-IV Officers and finance officials.

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The Chairman of BAPETEN Jazi Eko Istiyanto, who opened the meeting, focused on IT aspects for preventing corruption. According to him, a good system doesn’t allow corruption,

Jazi added that faith is not enough, discipline is not enough. Must be a dissertation automation system, which records all transactions.

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Regarding the permit service for users according to Jazi, BAPETEN as a supervisory institution must be strict with permit users and must not be careless. Each user must be forced to use software that we develop, if there is no use, it can be subject to penalties.

BAPETEN's 1st Raker Agenda which lasted for 2 (two) days, was filled with presentations, discussions and group sessions and plenary sessions. (bhkk / bsb)




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