Coordination and Socialization of the Implementation of Qualification Tests for Nuclear Materials and Installation Officers (IBN) during the Period of Adaptation of New Habit
Kembali 17 Juli 2020 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate of Licensing for Nuclear Materials Installation (DPIBN) held a meeting of the Coordination and Socialization of the Implementation of Qualification Tests for Nuclear Materials and Installation Officers during the Period of Adaptation of New Habit, Friday (17/07), through zoom's application.

The meeting was attended by 34 participants consisting of DPIBN staffs, Multipurpose Reactor Center (PRSG) of BATAN, Center for Science and Accelerator Technology (PSTA) of BATAN, Center for Applied Nuclear Science and Technology (PSTNT) of BATAN, Center for Nuclear Fuel Technology (PTBBN) of BATAN, Researcher at the Center for Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (PSTBM) of BATAN, and PT INUKI.

imgkontenimgkontenBudi Rohman as Director of Licensing for Nuclear Materials and Installation, opened the meeting and gave a remarks. In his remarks, Budi said that in the current conditions, a new arrangement was needed to regulate the implementation of the IBN officer work permit examination.

"The participants expected can give input to the plan or scheme that has been prepared, so that testing can be carried out and of course with following all the regulations and procedures that have been issued by the government," continued Budi.

imgkontenThe meeting continued with the presentation of plans / schemes of holding qualification examinations for IBN officer by Widia Lastana Istianto as the Head of Certification and Validation. Widia explained that there had been requests for extension of work permits from several facilities and had been evaluated.


"We also conducted a survey of facility preparation in June. Through this survey, we set a weighting. 90% and above, we can carry out the testing and schedule can be set immediately. If it is less than 90%, the test will be carried out until the facilities are ready or the conditions," explained Widia.


DPIBN itself, plans to create an electronic-based testing system. The system can see the results of IBN officer examinations and even print work permits issued.


The meeting ended with discussion session related to the implementation of IBN and closed by the Director of Licensing for Nuclear Materials and Installation. [BHKK / IP]


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