Coordination Meeting for the Preparation of Technical Guidelines for Conformity Test of Fluoroscopy X-ray Aircraft
Kembali 07 Desember 2022 | Berita BAPETEN

The Directorate of Technical Support and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness (DKKN) BAPETEN held a Coordination Meeting in the context of preparing technical guidelines for conformity tests for fluoroscopy X-ray aircraft at the BAPETEN Education and Training Center (Badiklat) Bogor, West Java on 6-7 December 2022.

This technical guideline is prepared based on BAPETEN Regulation No. 2 of 2022 and BAPETEN Regulation No. 2 of 2018 with the aim of becoming a reference for qualified testers in carrying out conformity tests on Fluoroscopy X-ray aircraft.

imgkontenAttending this meeting was Director of DKKN Zulkarnain, Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Function Group Rini Suryanti along with staff and representatives from DP2FRZR BAPETEN as the implementer of the process of amending BAPETEN Regulation No. 2 of 2018 and BAPETEN Regulation No. 2 of 2022. In this event also invited the Conformity Test Institute which is also an importer of PT. Fujifilm, PT. GE and speakers from CPMB UI Lukmanda Evan Lubis who attended via zoom meeting.

imgkontenThe event was opened with remarks from Zulkarnain who said that the high risk of using fluoroscopy made BAPETEN's attention high. "Especially when referring to the development of fluoroscopy aircraft technology, do not let rulemaking be left behind by technological advances. For this reason, BAPETEN as a regulator needs to accommodate and pay attention to the preparation of this technical guideline by meeting experts both inside and outside BAPETEN," he said.

imgkontenThen continued with a presentation from Lukmanda Evan Lubis who explained the method of fluoroscopy conformity test including basic understanding, aircraft types, components, image formation mechanisms and UK methods.

Furthermore, the presentation from the executor of the technical guideline preparation process for conformity testing for the scope of Fluoroscopy, Edhy Kunto Wibowo, conveyed the background of the preparation of this technical guideline, including references, preparation timeline, expert input, changes and draft revisions to the technical guidelines for conformity test of fluoroscopy X-ray aircraft.

imgkontenAfter a detailed discussion of this technical guideline, the event was closed by Zulkarnain who expected that this technical guideline could be published in 2023. [DKKN/Esa/BHKK/Or/Ra/Da]

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