Dissemination of Service to Monitor the Use of Nuclear Energy in North Sumatra
Kembali 03 November 2023 | Berita BAPETEN

​Bapeten, in collaboration with member of Commission VII DPR RI, Nasril Bahar, held a Dissemination of Service to Monitor the Utilization of Nuclear Energy in North Sumatra on 21 October 2023. This event invited 150 participants from educational institutions from 23 sub-districts in Langkat district and aimed to introduce BAPETEN's main task as a supervisory agency for the use of nuclear energy in Indonesia.

Starting the activity, Fitra Suriadi S as Chair of LKBH PGRI Langkat, in his opening remarks said that nuclear is already in everyday life. The uses of nuclear energy include health, food and research. Examples found are for cancer treatment and the development of good and superior food varieties. Fitria hopes that this dissemination will be useful and provide knowledge for the participants.


The event continued with remarks and a presentation from Retno Agustyah as Sub-coordinator of the Public Communication Function Group. He said that this was a valuable opportunity to meet teaching staff, because knowledge could be passed back to students in Langkat Regency. In her presentation, Retno explained the meaning of nuclear energy, natural radiation and artificial radiation, the benefits of nuclear energy and the supervision carried out by Bapeten through establishing regulations, licensing and carrying out inspections to create safety and security. This presentation was interspersed with discussion and question and answer sessions which were enthusiastically attended by the participants.


Closing the event, Member of Commission VII DPR RI Nasril Bahar said "When you first hear about nuclear, what comes to mind is the incident in Hiroshima which resulted in hundreds of victims due to nuclear bombs and various countries that are terrible at using nuclear. But we don't remember the benefits and contributions of nuclear for fields, industry, health and energy sources".


Nasril added, since the issuance of Law No. 10 of 1997 concerning Nuclear Energy until now, not many people know that there are nuclear energy regulations. This information must reach the community, village, sub-district and district governments. Even the fear of nuclear radiation has not eroded until now. For this reason, Bapeten as a partner of DPR Commission VII is carrying out dissemination of monitoring of the use of nuclear energy in Langkat with an audience of teachers who will be able to transmit information to students and others so that dissemination can reach the community and achieve the targets expected by the government.


Nasril hopes that this dissemination can add a new nuance to knowledge and supervision in the community so that people do not feel afraid when they hear the word nuclear because Bapeten is monitoring it. (BHKK/Sn/Ra)

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