Nuclear Science and Technology Provides Welfare for The Society
Kembali 02 Februari 2018 | Berita BAPETEN

Related to the plan of nuclear power plant development in Indonesia, the support from some parties, including the legislative, is getting stronger. But the plan is constrained by public opinion from some parties that affect the development of nuclear power plants in this country. It takes the government’s decision to implement this nuclear programme more visible.

This was one of the discussion which surfaced in a working visit the Indonesian Ambassador of Austria, Darmansjah Djumala, to the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (31/1/2018) afternoon.

Darmansjah and his entourage were welcomed by The Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Mohamad Nasir, accompanied by Secretary General of The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Ainun Na’im; Chairman of BAPETEN, Jazi Eko Istiyanto; and Deputy of Science and Applications of Nuclear Technology BATAN, Efrizon Umar.

In this occasion, Darmansjah also discussed the use of nuclear science and technology that continues grows to the current era. Utilization of nuclear science and technology has been widely give advantages for society’s welfare. Among them are food preservation, health, industry, and environment sectors.

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Not only that, the utilization of nuclear science and technology that very diverse is now begin to penetrate into the maritime world, with the initiation of irradiator for fish preservation that cooperates with The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

Nuclear technology also can detect pregnancy rate of the cow. However, the most important thing is about nuclear diplomacy. “Nuclear is not for war but for society’s welfare,” Darmansjah explained.

Furthermore, Darmansjah said that the challenge ahead is how to make commercial visibility and create mass production, while still promoting the nuclear technology.

In responding that, Nasir strongly supports the utilization of nuclear power for the the welfare of society. Nasir will also continue to review the weakness that still exists so that nuclear diplomacy becomes more concrete.(bho/ip)




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