BAPETEN Education and Training Division Holds Management Review Meeting
Kembali 07 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN Education and Training Division held a Management Review Meeting (RTM) which is a continuation of the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) in formulating performance improvement priorities. Located in the BAPETEN Building on Wednesday (7/2/2024) morning, the Head of the BAPETEN Education and Training Division Ahmad Ciptadi Syuryavin, opened the event which was attended by all of his staff.

RTM is carried out by management periodically at least once a year, to evaluate the performance of the quality management system and the performance of services or efforts of the Education and Training Division, to ensure the continuity, suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the quality management system and service system.


The meeting agenda includes the results of the assessment of 6 activities, namely the status of actions from the previous RTM, changes in internal and external issues, information on SMM performance, adequacy of resources, effectiveness of actions against risks and opportunities and suggestions for improvement.

Various obstacles encountered in the training activities in 2023, were thoroughly discussed in this RTM along with solutive steps that will be taken in the future. "The ISO 9001:2015 Management System Certification that we hold, must be used as motivation to do a better job," said Ciptadi.


Ciptadi revealed that some of the improvement action plans that need to be carried out are continuation plans from last year. "Follow up on action plans and complete them this year, combined with new action plans for this year's improvements," added Ciptadi.

As is known, the Management System is integrated with all activities carried out by the Training Division. The latest work system that regulates the division of activities through work teams requires regular coordination every month to discuss progress and obstacles being faced and complete work according to predetermined standards. This RTM was also held in preparation for an external audit by TUV Nord in the context of ISO 9001: 2015 recertification. [BDL/Rusmiyati/Priyo/BHKK/Bams]


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