Hearing from the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency at the National Standardization Agency (BSN)
Kembali 01 Februari 2024 | Berita BAPETEN

BAPETEN through the Directorate for Supervision of Radiation Facilities and Radioactive Materials (DP2FRZR) held an audience with the National Standardization Agency (BSN) on Thursday, February 1 2024.

BAPETEN's Deputy Chairman for Nuclear Safety Assessment Haendra Subekti, in his opening statement said that BAPETEN's presence to BSN was a follow-up visit to coordinate the needs for calibration laboratories for radiation equipment as well as the need for certification of domestic nuclear products such as certification of x-ray aircraft and other radiation equipment related to radionuclide standardization in Indonesia.


The team from BAPETEN was received by the Main Secretary of BSN, Donny Purnomo Januardhi Effyandhono and the team. In his speech, Donny said that BSN welcomed this coordination to ensure that radiation equipment calibration services could be carried out immediately by BSN. Donny hopes that the preparation of facilities and infrastructure that has been carried out will be accompanied by the fulfillment of legal aspects so that calibration services for radiation measuring instruments and the output of therapeutic radiation sources as well as radionuclide standardization can be opened immediately.

The activity continued with a discussion session which resulted in several potential developments for cooperation between BSN and BAPETEN including the areas of work competency certification by KAN, nuclear product certification, and calibration of radiation equipment. At the end of the visit, it was announced that follow-up actions were made to several agreements in this meeting, such as adjustments to regulations regarding the calibration laboratory for radiation measuring equipment and the output of therapeutic radiation sources as well as standardization of radionuclides, preparation of infrastructure for developing work competency certification in the nuclear energy sector, and development of infrastructure for certification of nuclear products in Indonesia. (DP2FRZR/Made/BHKK/CD/RP/Ra)

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